1. Preamble

It is clarified that Good Job Dating is not a contracting party of the registered seller, nor of the buyer, in relation to the sale of goods. Good Job only provides the platform on a technical level, in the categories offered. These may change or expand over time. Good Job Dating generates revenue by subscribing to the services of registered individuals. The delivery and settlement of the goods is the sole responsibility of the seller.

For the purpose of better readability, no detailed gender-specific differentiation is made. This is done without discriminatory intent.

Umbrella term for ALL registered persons of the website. ->USER

  1. Scope

It is further stated that Good Job Dating is not in any contractual relationship with the client. Good Job Dating is not liable for any performance failures in the relationship of the offering (seller) and the recipient of services (buyer). Included all users.

  1. Conditions of use

The seller has to keep his data confidential. If the seller suspects misuse by a third party, he should forward this suspicion to Good Job Dating as soon as possible and inform us.

Users who impair or endanger the platform will be prosecuted.

It is also the responsibility of all users to create the necessary infrastructure for the use of the platform. Good Job Dating does not meet any obligation of any kind in this regard.

It is the user’s responsibility to use appropriate and strong passwords and to keep them safe afterwards. Passwords can be requested again if forgotten. or reset.

  1. Offer, conclusion of contract

Booking one or more categories with the inclusion of the required data creates a binding contract. However, Good Job Dating is not obliged to accept this contract.

After successful registration, the user will receive an e-mail with an access link to the e-mail address provided by the user.

  1. Content blocking and registration denial

Good Job Dating has the right under certain circumstances to disable or delete registered profiles, refuse to upload photos or remove them afterwards. Good Job Dating is also entitled to delete or deactivate profiles if illegal activities take place via this profile.

Furthermore, profiles may be deleted if payments regarding the total price of the subscription have not been received.

If a user acts contrary to the contract and not according to the rules despite a reminder, he/she may also be deleted by Good Job Dating. The user will be informed about the reasons afterwards.

  1. Specifications for advertisements

All users are obligated from the time of uploading information to comply with legal regulations, such as copyright (especially for images) and data protection. If information, images, videos or other material is uploaded and third parties are clearly visible on them, it is the responsibility of the user to publish them.

  1. Payment modalities

The exact amount of the fee depends on the agreement between the buyer and seller. Good Job Dating abstains from this.

Good Job Dating does not offer any payment option through its own system or different payment models on the website. Buying/selling must be done by yourself and is up to the users themselves.

The fee for the general use of the platform is automatically debited on the day of the conclusion of the contract.

As an example: Person X chooses 1 category and a subscription for 3 months. The cost per month is added to the 3 months. This results in a total price. This is then transferred and the user has access to the Plattfotm for 3 months.

If there is not enough money available on the user’s account during the transfer, the use of the platform will be automatically blocked. Good Job Dating is not liable for any damage caused to the user as a result. (of any kind)

Good Job Dating points out that the user will not be informed separately about the automatic renewal of the contract. It is up to the user to cancel the contract in time.

The prices indicated on the website refer to EUR.

Good Job Dating is entitled to adjust all prices once a year.

  1. Permission to use the work

Good Job Dating grants to the users the non-exclusive, temporally, contentwise and locally limited work use permission (in the sense of the § 24 Abs 1 first sentence UrhG) to use the Plattffotm.

  1. Obligation to make available

Good Job Dating is responsible for the provision of the entire platform, or the respective booked category and its maintenance.

Upon reasonable notice from Good Job, the entire platform may be deleted. Without regard to subscriptions that are still open.

  1. Impaired performance

In the event of any failure beyond Good Job Dating’s control, such as power failure, force majeure, software or domain problems, or cyber-attacks, and the platform is not fully available or accessible for an indefinite period of time, user data may be lost for which Good Job Dating will not be liable. The subscriptions remain in place for the time being.

  1. Liability for damages and warranty

The liability of Good Job Dating for slight negligence is excluded.

The liability of Good Job Dating for loss of profit of a user is excluded.

This limitation of liability shall not apply with regard to personal injury and with regard to the Product Liability Act as well as in the event of intentional damage.

Good Job Dating assumes no liability if due to a failure of the server or anything else (a point mentioned above) the platform itself fails. If any damage occurs to the users, it will not be covered by Good Job.

Good Job Dating is not liable for any content that users publish or sell on the platform. Users are responsible for the legality and accuracy of the information they provide. The user must ensure that there are no third party rights to the published content.. Furthermore, Good Job Dating has no obligation to monitor the content of the users. (§ 18 Abs 1 ECG).

  1. Involvement of subcontractors

Good Job Dating may engage subcontractors – vicarious agents for the performance of its obligations under the contract that has arisen. (vicarious agents according to § 1313a ABGB)

  1. Changes to the General Terms and Conditions

Good ob Dating is entitled to change the existing terms and conditions, which are set out in writing, at any time. However, the users of the platform will be informed about changes (sending them) via the e-mail address specified in the profile.

  1. Data protection and safeguarding of business and trade secrets

The transfer of data and information to the respective required business partners is necessary for the fulfillment of the contractual relationship. extent permitted (iSd Art 6 para 1 lit b DSGVO). Good Job Dating undertakes in particular to maintain data secrecy. These data and business secrecy obligations shall also apply beyond the contractual relationship between Platform and Uer.

Furthermore, Good Job Dating draws attention to the fact that users’ data may be processed on the basis of legitimate interest. Um den Usern Werbung zukommen zu lassen (Art 6 Abs 1 lit f DSGVO). Die User können dieser Form der Datenverarbeitung jederzeit widersprechen (Art 21 Abs 2 DSGVO)

  1. Blocking access to the PLATTFORM (Art 3 Z 1 lit c P2B-VO)

If the platform is used by users for illegal purposes and Good Job Dating has reason to believe so, Good Job Dating is entitled to block the user’s access to the platform without notice. If any damage occurs by the use of information presented there, Good Job Dating will not be liable.

  1. Duration of the contractual relationship

The contractual relationship with the users is determined by the user himself. This is evident from the various subscriptions. The contractual relationship must be terminated in due time, otherwise the contract will be extended for the same period as the subscription actually booked. Deadlines: 1 month: at least 1 week before the expiry of the contract. 3 months: at least 3 weeks before the expiration of the contract. 6 months: at least 4 weeks before the end of the contract. concluded for an indefinite period. It can be terminated at any time and without notice (see point 9 for payment date).
This does not affect the right to extraordinary termination.

Good Job Dating is, apart from legal obligations to store data (in the sense of § 212 UGB or §132 BAO), under no obligation to store data obtained through the PLATTFORM beyond the contractual relationship.

  1. other

If any part of these terms and conditions should be invalid, the validity of the remaining terms and conditions shall not be affected thereby. The invalid condition shall be replaced by a valid condition that comes as close as possible to the economic intent of both parties as discernible from the agreement.